CellDesigner Help

Install CellDesigner

The current release is distributed in archived installer package for each operating system.

Windows: CDInstall_3_0_win.exe
MacOSX: CDInstall_3_0_mac.zip
Linux: CDInstall_3_0_linux.bin

* While J2RE is required for CellDesigner to run, the installers include it. Therefore, you do not need to download or install J2RE.


•  Double click CDInstall_3_0_win.exe.


•  Double click CDInstall_3_0_mac.zip.
•  The compressed installer should be recognized by Stuffit Expander and should automatically be expanded to CDInstall_3_0 . Then double click it.


•  Open a shell and, cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
•  At the prompt type: sh ./CDInstall_3_0_linux.bin.

After then, an installer window should open, and follow the message therein.

If you have installed SBW, set the path to the SBW library.

After installation finished, you would see the following directories/files in the installation directory ( CellDesigner by default).

[Installed File Images]
After installation finished, you would see the following directories/files in the installation directory (CellDesigner3.0 by default).

+00README.txt this document
+CellDesigner3_0 executable application module (*for Mac: CellDesigner)
| +startupguide30.pdf
| +controlpanel30.pdf
| +celldesigner.jar library for CellDesigner application
+jre (1.4.2_08) *(Windows, Linux only)
| +batik/
| +batik.jar SVG toolkit by the Apache Software Foundation
| +browserlauncher/
| +browserlauncher.jar library for launching web browser by by Eric Albert
| +jai/
| +jai_codec.jar library for Advanced Imaging by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
| +jai_core.jar
| +ml_ibwrapper_jai.jar
| +jfreechart
| +jcommon-1.0.0-pre2.jar library for generating charts by David Gilbert
| +jfreechart-1.0.0-pre2.jar
| +mrjadapter/
| +MRJAdapter.jar library for MacOSX feature by Steve Roy, Software Design
| +sbw/
| +SBWCore.jar library for connecting SBW by KGI (initially by ERATO)
| +xerces/
| +xercesImpl.jar XML library by the Apache Software Foundation
| +xml-apis.jar XML-API library by the Apache Software Foundation
| +batik/
| +jai/
| +LICENSE_jai.txt
| +jfreechart/
| +license-LGPL.txt
| +mrjadapter/
| +lgpl.txt
| +xerces/
| +components.xml sample for various components
| +M-Phase.xml sample for model editing
| +M-Phase2.xml sample for model editing
| +MAPK.xml sample for simulation provided by SBML ODE Solver.
| +simulation.xml sample for simulation
| +test-level1.xml sample for SBML level 1 document
| +test-level2.xml sample for SBML level 2 document
| +database.xml sample for database connections
| +notation/ sample files for notation
| +Complex.xml
| +ReactionShape.xml
| +geneRNA.xml
| +NBT/ sample files used in Nature Biotech paper by Kitano.
| +CD3files/
| +Fig1b_ProcessDiagram_3.xml
| +Fig3abcd_AndOr_3.xml
| +Fig3e_EGFR_league_3.xml
| +SuplFig2_GPCR beta2-AR_3.xml
| +SuplFig3_NF-kappaB(p65+p50)_3.xml
| +SuplFig4a_TranscriptionTranslation_3.xml
| +SuplFig4b_transcription_3.xml
| +SuplFig5_StructureofComplex_3.xml
| +SuplFig7_M-Phase_3.xml
+Uninstall_CellDesigner uninstaller module directory


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