CellDesigner Help

Zoom IN / OUT

To change the display size of the model, you can use the View menu.

Zoom IN (Ctrl + L)

  1. In the Menu, select View - Zoom In.
  2. The size of the displayed image will become 110% of the original.
  3. Each time you call the Zoom In menu, the image will become 110%, 125%, 150%, 180% ... of the original. Observe the difference between the percentages increases as 10%, 15%, 25%, 30% ... .
  4. Although there is no limit on the maximum expansion, the bigger the magnification, the heavier processing becomes. We recommend you to limit the magnification to the appropriate performance level.
  5. Scrolling the Canvas

Zoom OUT (Ctrl + K)

  1. For reducing the size, choose View - Zoom Out.
  2. The size of the displayed image will become 95% of the original.
  3. Each time you call the Zoom Out menu, the image will become 95%, 90%, 85%, 80% ... of the original. Observe the difference between the percentages is 5%.
  4. The minimum is 5% of the original size.

Zoom Select

Instead of clicking Zoom IN/OUT several times, you can use Zoom Select only once.

  1. In the Menu, select View - Zoom Select.
  2. Select the best size from the list.

Zoom Fit

  1. When you want to display the entire model on the screen, select Zoom Fit.
  2. The whole model is reduced to be fit in the Draw Area.

Zoom Reset

  1. In the Menu, select View - Zoom Reset.
  2. The displayed image will be restored to the original size.
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