CellDesigner Help

Add an Object to a Layer

To a Layer, you can add Text | Oval | Square | Line | Arrow objects.

To add a textbox

  1. In the Layer Area, select a Layer to which you want to add a textbox.
  2. In the Layer Toolbar , click the Layer Text icon.
  3. In the Draw Area, click-hold the mouse button and drag the mouse to create a rectangle.
  4. Input text dialog appears.
  5. Type in text and click OK.
  6. Verify that the text appears in the textbox.

To add an oval / square / line / arrow

  1. In the Layer Area, select a Layer to which you want to add an object.
  2. In the Layer Toolbar , click an icon of your choice.
  3. In the Draw Area, click-hold the mouse button and drag the mouse to create the object.

To change object size

  1. In the Draw Area, select an object.
  2. Click-hold on one of the corner handlers and drag it.

To change color and shape

  1. In the Menu, click Component, then Change Color & Shape....
  2. Or, in the Draw Area, right-click on an object and select Change Color & Shape... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Change color & shape dialog appears.
  4. Editable options vary according to the types of object.

To delete an object

  1. In the Draw Area, select a Text | Oval | Square | Line | Arrow object and type the [Delete] key.
  2. Verify that the object is deleted.
  3. Show/Hide a Layer

    Lock a Layer

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