CellDesigner Help

Edit the details of a Compartment

You can check the detail information on CompartmentAlias in the Compartments list window.

Compartent list

Compartment id is automatically allocated.

Compartment name is displayed as you specified.

To change the Compartment attributes:

  1. Do one of the followings:
    • Double-click a row in the Compartments list.
    • On canvas, right-click on the target CompartmentAlias to pop-up the menu, then select Edit Compartment menu.
    • On canvas, select the target CompartmentAlias, press [Shift] key, and double-click on it.
  2. The following dialog will popup.

The attributes id, name, and outside are maintained by CellDesigner to conform to the network diagram on the draw area. You cannot edit these attributes.

The attributes name, size, and units can be edited inline in the Compartments list or in the Compartment dialog.

The attributes specified here are defined as SBML model. Check http://sbml.org/ for details.

Default Compartment:
In the Compartments list, there is a Compartment with id="default". Do not edit this item.

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